IMG_0895 – Whitney DeVries
Panels, Speakers

Whitney DeVries, Diplomatic Courier

Whitney Paige DeVries is Multimedia Manager and correspondent for Diplomatic Courier, a global affairs media network that connects global publics to leaders in international affairs, diplomacy, social good, technology, business,…

ali mustafa
Panels, Speakers

Ali Mustafa, AFS Intercultural Programs

Ali Mustafa, Representative to the United Nations, AFS Intercultural Programs, Advisor to Youth Representative Steering Committee United Nations Department of Global Communications   Ali is a youth development professional who…

IMG-20230430-WA0008 – Ronelle King
Panels, Speakers

Ronelle King, Life In Leggings

“Young people play a vital role in advancing the SDGs. The importance of investing in youth as agents of change for sustainable development cannot be understated“ Ronelle King is an…

20220814_164938 – Miguel Ortega
Panels, Speakers

Miguel Ortega, YouthSpain

“Solutions to today’s problems must come out of the till. Understanding how climate finance works in a coherent way can give us the key to a better future“ Miguel Ángel…
