
Sponsor the Youth Assembly

We are dedicated to making the Youth Assembly a diverse, inclusive, accessible event that includes young people from as many countries and communities as possible. This cannot be done without the support of generous Youth Assembly Sponsors.

As a sponsor you can empower and connect with the next generation of leaders while demonstrating in a tangible way, your organization’s commitment to diversity by developing youth from countries and backgrounds around the world to tackle global challenges and transform their vision for a better future into action.

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Why Partner with the Youth Assembly

Today, there are 1.2 billion young people aged 15 to 24 years (youth are up to 35 years old in some countries), accounting for 16% of the global population. The  highest percentage of youth live in the least developed countries. While youth potential has remained largely unfulfilled, young people’s level of engagement in social issues has skyrocketed. According to the  United Nations, youth are key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Youth Assembly partners play an important role in the development of our program. You’ll contribute ideas, resources, expertise, volunteer power, and in-kind support as we work towards accomplishing our mission of empowering youth for global change. 

Join us in building a movement of emerging leaders. Help us nurture a large network of young delegates from around the world. Provide learning and networking opportunities, promote intergenerational dialogue and propeling ideas from creation to implementation. By engaging the next generation of leaders and decision makers, you’ll be working towards shaping a more interconnected world.

Contact us to begin our partnership

“The AFS Youth Assembly enabled me to turn the global knowledge that I gained from my study abroad experience into an innovative solution for global issues. Meeting with representatives of various NGOs, leaders and activists gave me the chance to learn about ongoing projects and the gaps which still need to be filled on global issues, helping me to reshape the path I was taking towards my vision.”

İpek Çakıroğlu, 21 years old, Turkey

Our Partners

The 2024 AFS Youth Assembly is supported by:

Our prominent past partners include the United Nations, World Bank Group, UNESCO, ILO, Idealist, Chemonics, PepsiCo, Microsoft, PwC, Instagram, Virgin Unite, Novartis, SDSN, the Huffington Post, UNA-USA, WCS, the Nature Conservancy, the Climate Reality Project, Liter of Light, Terracycle, and more.

See previous partners & sponsors

AFS-USA is proud to join in partnership with AFS Intercultural Programs to present the Youth Assembly.

As a leader in intercultural education, AFS-USA is committed to fostering global competency skills in our schools and communities across the United States. In alignment with the US Department of Education’s International Strategy, AFS-USA offers intercultural learning and global citizenship classroom resources along with opportunities for educational travel to uniquely weave global competence concepts into the everyday work of our nation’s educators. AFS-USA believes that any student or educator can become a global citizen when schools partner with AFS-USA and offers tools and experiences to learn and grow through professional development, networking and sharing resources.

bp provides scholarships for the AFS Youth Assembly

bp is generously sponsoring scholarships for the AFS Youth Assembly. Scholarships will be awarded to AFS Global STEM program alumni, young educators and climate entrepreneurs. These scholarships support the participation in this incredible professional development experience, as well as hotel accommodations, some meals and a travel stipend.

bp is reimagining energy for people and our planet. With operations working across almost every part of the energy system, they are leading the way in reducing carbon emissions and developing more sustainable methods for solving the energy challenge. bp is a diverse team of engineers, scientists, traders and business professionals determined to find answers to problems that must be solved.

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Host a session at the next Youth Assembly

Become a Program Partner as an official speaker or host a session at The Youth Assembly and share your ideas with young leaders from over 100 countries. Program Partnership enables you to:

  • Showcase your organization’s work, values and brand to a talented pool of young people
  • Join or build a creative and interactive panel/workshop connected to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Promote the Youth Assembly to constituents on social media and other outreach channels
  • Receive benefits including discounts and complimentary ticket to the conference.

Give to The Youth Assembly

The Youth Assembly accepts donations from individuals who are eager to support young people daring to change the world. Your contributions will help more young people participate in The Youth Assembly, helping them build a global network of young leaders prepared to make positive social impact.


About the Youth Assembly

The Youth Assembly is a global platform that cultivates an international network of young leaders and changemakers through exchange, education, action and impact. It empowers the next generation with opportunities to connect with like-minded peers, trailblazers, and influencers; develop global competence and critical skills; and transform their vision for a better future into action.

  • One of the world’s largest youth events focused on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
  • Founded in 2004, with roots going back to 1958
  • 20,000 Alumni from 160 countries, including the UN Secretary General’s first-ever Envoy on Youth Ahmad Alhendawi & Former Secretary General of the United Nations Kofi Annan
  • Delegates receive multiples leadership opportunities, awards and can win prizes of up to $10,000 dollars to fund their social impact projects, and recognition on a global stage
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