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Fundraise Your Way to the Youth Assembly: Join Our Webinar Series!

Dreaming of attending the Youth Assembly but wondering how to fund your journey? Our new Fundraising Series is here to help make it possible! Learn from the experiences of our alumni who have successfully raised funds to attend and gain access to their proven strategies. This series is designed to give you step-by-step guidance to reach your fundraising goals with confidence.

What You’ll Get:

🌟 Three live webinars over the next three months, each focusing on key fundraising tactics and tips.

🌟 A free, downloadable fundraising workbook packed with tools and resources to guide your efforts.

Ready to start? Sign up now and take the first step!

  • November 27: Get in the Fundraising Mindset –  Click to register now!
  • December 19: Pitch Perfect: Crafting Your Winning Budget and Story for Youth Assembly Fundraising (Registration Opens Soon!)
  • January 15:  Fundraising Check-In: Overcoming Roadblocks & Staying on Track (Registration Opens Soon!)

30th AFS Youth Assembly Agenda: Insights from the Youth Advisory Council

The Youth Assembly Advisory Council’s dynamic leaders discuss youth priorities and the concept of the 30th AFS Youth Assembly, which will be held on August 8-10, 2025 in New York City. Results from the Global Survey are presented where hundreds of youth voices were heard on setting the agenda for the AFS Youth Assembly. Join us as we come together to unite for global action. Find out more.

Virtual Workshops about AFS Youth Assembly Academies

3 exclusive workshops tailored just for AFS Youth Assembly Delegates and friends to get a sneak peak in our Academies. We had exclusive guest facilitators from Ivy League University of Pennsylvania Center for Social Impact Strategy, renowned New York University (NYU) Center for Global Affairs as well as senior members of the UN Security Council.
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  • 🌟 An engaging, hands-on workshop to get a taste of our Changemaker Academy, presented by CSIS at Ivy League UPenn. This workshop took place on Tuesday, March 12 at 12 PM EST.
  • 🌱 An interactive, application-focused session to get a taste of our Climate Entrepreneurship Academy, presented by NYU. This workshop took place  on Thursday, March 21 at 11 AM EST.
  • 🌍 A discussion on International Affairs featuring a seasoned diplomat. Dive into the intricate world of diplomacy and international cooperation. This workshop took place on Thursday, April 4 at 12 PM EST.
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These 60-minute workshops are carefully crafted to provide you with a firsthand experience of what our academies have to offer. Led by industry experts and thought leaders, each workshop will dive deep into a specific theme, giving you a glimpse of the knowledge, skills, and experiences awaiting you.

However, space for these workshops is limited, and we want to ensure that every participant gets the most out of their experience. Therefore, we kindly ask that you only register for the online workshops if you are genuinely interested in exploring the possibility of booking a themed academy.

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By attending these workshops, you’ll not only gain valuable insights and knowledge but also have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and discover the perfect academy to further your personal and professional growth. You’ll learn more about these special programs:

Setting the 29th AFS Youth Assembly Agenda

In the webinar with the Youth Assembly Advisory Council you’ll learn what’s next and how the 29th Session of the AFS Youth Assembly will address the theme “Forge Our Shared Future.” Find out more.

The Youth Assembly Advisory Council’s outstanding leaders discuss youth priorities and the concept of the 29th AFS Youth Assembly, which will be held on August 16-18, 2024 in New York City. Results from the Global Survey were presented where hundreds of youth voices were heard on setting the agenda for the AFS Youth Assembly.

Meet Experts from NYU and UPenn

This special online event offered a behind-the-scenes look at what is in store for this year’s AFS Youth Assembly. You had the opportunity to hear from AFS and our partners at New York University (NYU) and Penn Center for Social Impact Strategy. These experts shared insights into how you can get empowered with new skills and strengthen your action network with AFS Youth Assembly program packages. Watch the recording below!

Discover Delegate Opportunities

Watch this recording to find out about how you can win a $10,000 award, get recognized on the main stage in front of hundreds of people or get to showcase your impact to other Youth Assembly Delegates.

  • Get practical advice from one of last year’s winner Larissa Cevallos what to keep in mind when preparing your successful AFS Young Global Citizen Award application
  • Learn from Nadine Khawli how she wrote her Youth Assembly application that got her selected as the Outstanding Youth Delegate 2022

Find out more

Fundraise Your Way to the Youth Assembly

Great fundraisers aren’t born. They are made. Anyone can become a great fundraiser by learning the principles behind raising money and developing the right strategies. In our 1-hour session, you will learn from experts:

  • 3 principles of great fundraising
  • How you can create your own narrative to get you started on your fundraising campaign
  • Which strategies our ambassadors have used successfully

Find out more

Setting the 28th Youth Assembly Agenda with Insights from the New Youth Advisory Council

The Youth Assembly Advisory Council‘s eight appointed outstanding youth will help shape the agenda for the 28th Youth Assembly on August 11-13, 2023 in NYC. Hear from youth around the world about their global and local priorities as we discuss the theme for next year. Results from the Global Survey were presented where hundreds of youths’ voices were heard on setting the agenda for the Youth Assembly.

Find out more

Reimagining the Future: Megatrends and the 2022 Youth Assembly 

What should the next Youth Assembly focus on to mobilize young people to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and make a difference in their communities? On September 23, 2021 AFS convened a virtual dialogue titled, Reimagining the Future: Megatrends and the 2022 Youth Assembly with global youth leaders, UN and NGO experts, as a side event during the 76th United Nations General Assembly and a way to bring young people to the table and give them a voice.

Find out more

The Future Youth Want: Interdependence Cooperation and Friendship

In celebration of the International Friendship Day on July 31, 2020, the Friendship Ambassadors Foundation collaborated with One Shared World in presenting a virtual live event to discuss #TheFutureYouthWant.

Youth Creating a Better World: Young Women Leaders

On June 24, 2020, Friendship Ambassadors Executive Director Dr. Andrew Macdonald and Youth Assembly alumni from around the world discussed the unique challenges faced by young female leaders today.

Youth Leadership: COVID-19 and Beyond

Join FA Executive Director Andrew Macdonald and our ambassadors from around the world for a discussion on youth leadership in the face of COVID-19 and how young people can help turn the tide on this crisis.

Be the first to know about upcoming webinars: Sign up to our mailing list

Past Youth Assemblies

The Youth Assembly is one of the world’s largest youth events focused on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with 20,000 Alumni from 160 countries. Discover our past events.

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