“The AFS Youth Assembly symbolizes hope for a brighter global future, and what I value most about it is the chance it provides for networking and collaborating with diverse youth leaders to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals.”

Prajwal Bhandari is a dynamic and dedicated individual with a multifaceted skill set and an unwavering commitment to driving positive change. With a strong foundation in communication, project management, and public speaking, Prajwal possesses a deep understanding of the parliamentary system, its intricate workings, and the nuances of the law-making process. His expertise extends to the constitutional interpretation of bills, reflecting his profound knowledge of legal intricacies.

A fervent advocate for a sustainable world, Prajwal’s passion lies in youth participation in policy-making and education, with a focus on reducing inequalities (SDG 10) and combating climate change (SDG 13).

At the helm of the Scholastic Foundation Nepal, where he currently serves as President, he leads an organization at the forefront of the educational landscape in Nepal. Under his leadership, the foundation has collaborated with academic institutions and government bodies to enhance educational policies, curriculum development, and training programs, contributing significantly to the achievement of SDG 4 – Quality Education.

As a lawyer, he consistently advocates for SDG 16 – Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, recognizing their pivotal role in a nation’s development. He has an unwavering belief in the power of education, youth engagement, the rule of law, and sustainable policies to transform societies for the better.

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