James Paek is a current Chairman/CEO/Co-Founder of the PeaceX organization and Corporate HR Manager at QuikTrip Corporation. He previously served on the international Board of Directors at InventSTEM and #DearGovernment Organization. Prior to being appointed as Chairperson of PeaceX organization, James was involved in global impacts and social ventures for clean energy transition, internet accessibility, and many other initiatives. He also participated as judge for Enactus World Cup and moderated the panel for voting on the best initiatives. Prior to Chairperson, he was the head of Human Resources department where he led the global hiring initiatives for diversity and inclusive candidates to expand the organization global operation and support in other regions. Prior to joining PeaceX, James participated in a fellowship program from Early Career Fellowship of ISOC to NetMission Academy to increase knowledge on digital education, literacy, and technical. James earned Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Georgia. He is an alumni from the Youth Assembly.

James Paek

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