Danielle is a storyteller, an advocate, and an artist. She has worked as a journalist for Rappler.com, ESPN 5, and CNN Philippines. She has told the stories of many people from farmers to indigenous peoples, from national and global leaders to marginalized groups, from sports icons to grassroots athletes.

Danielle Vasallo Nakpil

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Dani fights for her mental health, and youth and women empowerment advocacies, pushing forth initiatives to ensure Good Health and Well-being, as she also strives to reduce inequality in her community. She is the Executive Director of Christian non-profit mental health organization Where There Is Hope (WTIH), under Habakkuk in Mission Inc.

WTIH provides accessible mental health outreach programs such as group therapies, mental health coaching, and mental health education talks. They create programs to empower people from different walks of life to live beyond their respective mental health challenges. Where There Is Hope bridges faith and medicine in the holistic approach to mental health.

Aside from her advocacies, Dani is a spoken word poet. She tackles key social issues in the Philippines through poetry while finding comfort in the the banalities of everyday encounters.

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