Wyatt Bruton is the Associate Director of Global Admissions, where he helps lead the strategy and execution of a highly competitive selection process designed to recruit and select next-generation leaders who will serve to deepen understanding between China and the rest of the world. Prior to joining Schwarzman Scholars, Wyatt served as Associate Director of Admissions at NYU Shanghai, where he oversaw marketing, recruitment, evaluation and selection for the first Sino-American university. He also helped lead the inaugural admissions team at Duke Kunshan University and served as a Teach For China fellow. Wyatt earned his BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and his MA from New York University.

Wyatt will facilitate a workshop titled, “Dare to Lead: What Types of Leadership are Needed in the 21st Century?”

To affect change in the world today, young leaders must rely on more than academic preparation, individual charisma, or aptitude. The leaders of the 21 st Century must be able to navigate complex environments, learn from differences, and forge innovative coalitions. But even that is not enough. In the historically decisive upcoming decades, what kind of leaders will the world need? What are the key of young leaders of today? How do we identify, prepare and support those leaders? In this workshop, participants will reflect on those and other questions related to the theme of global leadership in the 21 st Century. The workshop will draw from components of the Schwarzman Scholars leadership curriculum.