“Solidarity for SDG4 means fulfilling the promise of multisectorality: engaging with non-education audiences; working across all levels: from international to local and community stakeholders; and across types: public, private and civil society. “

Dr. Joshi is a senior researcher with the GEM Report at UNESCO. She provides thematic expertise on diverse topics including accountability, migration, gender equality and inclusion. She has coordinated research and partnerships around the South Asia regional report on non-state actors in education; and the GEM Report Fellows program. She leads the Education in SDGs workstream, and is authoring a policy paper focused on climate change and education. Her personal research focuses on the consequences of private schooling growth for the education system. Her backgrounds are in education policy, public policy and economics. She previously held research positions at the IMF, and did consultancies at UNICEF and the World Bank.

Priya will speak in on a panel titled “Solidarity for SDG 4: What will it take to achieve it?”