“The Youth Assembly is a platform to inspire, transform and share knowledge.”

Larissa Cevallos is a current International Security Master student from the University of Trento and the Scuola Superiore di Sant’Anna di Pisa. She has a degree in International Relations from Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola and specializations on International Cooperation for Development (Fundación de Diplomáticos del Perú), International Security (University of Chile) and Fundraising (Tecnológico de Monterrey). 

She is the co-founder and Executive Director of United Peruvian Youth, a Peruvian Association focused on providing opportunities for youth to contribute to the fulfillment of the UN Sustainable Development Goal #4: Quality Education. In 2020, she created “Project HUB UPY” which is a platform that provides the necessary tools for youth to design and implement educational projects in their communities. Thanks to this, United Peruvian Youth with her representation won the second place AFS Award for Young Global Citizens in 2022 during the 27th Youth Assembly. 

Over the past four years, she has actively participated as delegate, ambassador and speaker at the Youth Assembly. Her interests are related to migration, peace-making and human security. She has six years of work experience in the international cooperation field. 

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