“Young people are not our future, they are our NOW and in today’s complex society it is time we put young people in the driver seat of their own development.”

As director for youth development, Magdalena leads IREX’s strategy and learning agenda for expanding positive youth development globally. She works across the organization to drive deep impact and results for and with young people in Africa, the Middle East, Europe and Eurasia, and Central America. Magdalena is a passionate, positive youth development and economic opportunities practitioner and brings 20 years of youth development and management experience focusing on Central America, Africa, and Asia. She is committed to systems level work, policy, advocacy, and action that create inclusive opportunities for all young people. She has notable experience in youth systems, inclusive economic opportunities, education and training, leadership development, and has demonstrated success working with excluded youth populations in crisis and conflict environments.

Connect with Magdalena

Magdalena will speak on a panel titled, “Global Solidarity: Why must we come together?”