IMG-20230430-WA0008 – Ronelle King
Panels, Speakers

Ronelle King, Life In Leggings

“Young people play a vital role in advancing the SDGs. The importance of investing in youth as agents of change for sustainable development cannot be understated“ Ronelle King is an…

20220814_164938 – Miguel Ortega
Panels, Speakers

Miguel Ortega, YouthSpain

“Solutions to today’s problems must come out of the till. Understanding how climate finance works in a coherent way can give us the key to a better future“ Miguel Ángel…

Panels, Speakers

Hilary Taft, USAID

“The world is changing rapidly – socially, technologically, and economically. As we young people learn and strengthen our resilience to these ever-changing forces, we will no longer be victims of…